First, we acknowledge the land and its medicine.
In the skin I am in, I am a white woman, a member of the dominant culture which throughout history has facilitated massive harm, pain, and suffering upon other people and cultures. As a healer, I believe it is my responsibility to both acknowledge and continuously work to disrupt the history that has caused harm to so many people, cultures, traditions, and the Earth herself.
Many of my personal spiritual practices are inspired by gifts of knowledge and experience I have collected over my lifetime from lineages, cultures, ancient traditions, and land that does not belong to me or my ancestors. These are gifts that have been offered to me, that I accept humbly and with eternal gratitude for those who have stewarded the land and these traditions over time.
I pay respect to the many cultures, lineages, ancient traditions, and land through which I receive medicine every day and through every breath. I offer all my practices with reciprocity for those who have graciously offered their medicine and the medicine of our earth.
I pay respect to the many cultures, lineages, ancient traditions, and land through which I receive medicine every day and through every breath. I offer all my practices with reciprocity for those who have graciously offered their medicine and the medicine of our earth.
In these times our imbalance with Earth is more evident than it ever has been. Through nurturing and creating a reciprocal relationship with Mother Earth and the Native people who to this day bear her medicine, we are able to live harmoniously on and with the land in a way that facilitates healing for all and the highest healing good of Earth.
I acknowledge that these traditions do not belong to me, and I do not claim to teach them as an elder of the spiritual lineages from which they have originate. I teach them in the very same way that they have been gifted to me, while honoring that we each hold wisdom from our own ancestral traditions that continue to inspire our personal spiritual practices.
A wise woman, one of my best friends, and greatest teachers Lizzy McDonald says, we are all healers. She taught me to find the healer in me, as I aspire to help you find the healer in you. The medicine of the story of your life, of your ancestors, and of the gifts that you have received from Earth.