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Attitude of Gratitude Meditation

Updated: Mar 26, 2020

Attitude of Gratitude Meditation: (10 minutes)

Start off in a comfortable seated position. I recommend sitting up on some height, a comfortable cushion, blanket, or yoga block. Allow your hands to rest on your knees or lap, palms up.

Soften your gaze or close your eyes. Begin to tap into your inner landscape. Deepen your breath.

Bring your attention to your sits bones or your feet. Notice what is making contact with the ground. As you inhale, imagine the core of the earth shining bright with white light. Pull that light all the way up from the core of the earth into your heart space. Continue breathing in the life force of the earth all the way up into your heart space.

As you inhale, visualize someone or something you are grateful for as your heart space fills up with bright white light.

As you exhale, allow that gratitude to spread throughout your body just as the sun slowly rises bringing light to the earth.

On your next inhale bring your thumb of your right hand to your pointer finger. State to yourself one person or thing you are grateful for in your life. Imagine light creeping up your pointer finger and into your hand. Exhale to release your grip.

Inhale, bring your thumb to your middle finger. State to yourself one person or thing you are grateful for in your life. Imagine light creeping up your middle finger and into your hand. Exhale to release your grip.

Inhale, bring your thumb to your ring finger. State to yourself one person or thing you are grateful for in your life. Imagine light creeping up your ring finger and into your hand. Exhale to release your grip.

Inhale bring your thumb to your pinky finger. State to yourself one person or thing you are grateful for in your life. Imagine light creeping up your pinky finger and into your hand. Exhale to release your grip.

Feel your whole hand carrying the light of gratitude.

Repeat this process for all fingers on your other hand, continuing to list things that you're grateful for.

When you are done, imagine that both of your hands are full of light and that light is extending out from you into the room and into the world.

Sit with that sensation for as long as feels good. When you are done, bring your hands in towards your heart, allow the light you have cultivated to seep into your heart space. Bow your head to your meditation practice. Slowly begin to wiggle your fingers and your toes. Bat your eyes open and closed letting the outer landscape come back to you. Start your day here.

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